
Day 1

One of my favorite things about the Lord is that He is a God of new beginnings. 2 Cor 5:17 tells me that if someone (i.e. ME) is in Christ, then he [I] am a new creation - the old has gone, and the new has come.

Another of my favorite things about the Lord is that He is the Creator. He made me. He fashioned our little Peanut in my belly, and knit her together purposefully. He made all that I see, and I love how I am drawn towards Him when I see His work in nature. Mountains, the ocean, trees...all worshipping their Creator in ways that I can't. And one of my very favorite scenes in nature is when it is covered in snow. Maybe it's because I grew up in Texas, where snow doesn't happen that often. I love how it absorbs noise so that things are quieter...it makes me stop and listen to hear what the Lord is telling me. I love how it makes things white...a reminder that God has removed ALL my sin through Christ, and now the Lord sees me as that pure and white. I love how it levels...no matter what something looked like before it snowed, when it is covered with fresh powder, it's beautiful. What a great reminder that we are all equal before the Lord.

So, when I woke up on my first morning in Enid, my new home, wouldn't you think I'd be thrilled to see this?

So pretty, right? Sadly, my first response was one of grumbling..."why is it so cold here? How am I going to learn to drive in snow? I bet it's not snowing in Dallas..." I'm not proud of that, but that's honestly where my heart was. It wasn't until later that the Lord reminded me of how much I love snow...and I saw it as a sweet reminder from Him that this is a new beginning for us. Just like fresh snow everywhere covers what was and makes room for what's to come in the spring, moving to Enid is a great, fresh start for our family. I also realized how kind it was of the Lord to hold off the snow so we didn't have to drive in during a blizzard. That might have done me in. Here's Erin with Honey...it was Erin's first time to see snow!

Here are some fun pictures from our trip up.
Saying goodbye to Texas, both cars packed to the brim...

My awesome momma came with us, and did a great job of keeping Erin happy in the car. My sweet husband cheerfully pulled over as we crossed the Red River so we could take a picture in front of the Oklahoma sign. I wanted to get the Casino lights in the background, too, but, alas, they would not fit in the frame. 

By the time we got to the sign for Enid, the temperature had dropped A LOT. If you look closely you can see our teeth chattering, and I think it's a little blurry because my mom's hands wouldn't stop shaking.

We are so thankful to be here, and we were blessed to arrive to the warm home of Adam's parents. Adam's brother and his wife showed up immediately to help us unload, and of course, there was a hot meal on the table prepared by my mother-in-law. We are grateful for the generosity of both of our families, and that the Lord has clearly led us here.

Adam started his new job the next day, and we went by for a visit. I'm so proud of my husband! I had to post this picture...despite living up in OSU country, it looks like our daughter is still supporting my TX Aggies!
Thank you for checking in on the Sandwicks, and please keep praying for us as we adjust to a new place. And pray for me, that I will allow the Lord to make me more like Him through all of this.


  1. So glad you are there safe & sound. The snow looks beautiful. I admire your perspective and positive outlook. From now on, snow will always remind me of Carter's birthday - the night he was born it snowed 6-7" and we woke up to a sea of white out of our hospital window. Praying for you!
