
Happy 6 Months!

Dear Erin,
You are 6 months old today - 6 months! I cannot believe it. Like every other parent, I wonder where the time has gone and I marvel at how big you are getting. You are more and more interactive, and you are so fun to be with - unless you are tired or hungry, but honestly I can't blame you. I love getting to be at home with you, and watch you laugh, smile and grow! Some pictures from the month...
You love to read books! You're so advanced...you seem to be a little more interested in eating them at this point, but that's ok.
I love how you delight in the simplest things - like the sun coming through the window. Your eyes are still as blue as ever...
 You started eating solid foods - it's been pretty entertaining watching you. You didn't like your high chair at first...
 ...but after sitting in Daddy's lap, all was better. 
 Uncle Toby, Aunt Yvette and Elyse visited. You loved being held by Aunt Yvette, and laughing at Uncle Toby.
 I love this picture of you with Elyse. This was the first time you were really interested in her cousin...I can't wait until you are old enough to play together!
 You also got a visit from Uncle Sam, who brought you a friend named Humphrey. You didn't quite know what to do with him at first...
 I love how you are looking up at your uncle in this picture!
 You hung out with your friends...here's you and Banner. I think you guys called each other to find out what the other was wearing that day so you could coordinate. 
 You love to spend time with your Daddy in the mornings. He is usually the first one to get you when you wake up, and you love sitting with him while he reads. I adore this picture...
 Humphrey inspired a new theme for your monthly pictures...however, I learned that getting a picture of both of you was more challenging than I expected.
We love you so much, Erin. We thank God that He chose us to be your mom and dad. Sometimes I am overwhelmed at the responsibility the Lord has given, but I am quickly comforted to remember that He loves you so much more than we do, and we can trust Him in all things. Happy 6 months, Peanut!!

Daddy and Mommy  



Well, here it is Friday and I neglected my 'Tuesday' post for the 2nd week. Why is it so hard to get things done these days?

When do I get to stop saying "these days"...still meaning that I'm adjusting to life as a new mom? If I have a 6 month old baby, am I still a "new mom?" Should I already be adjusted? I don't know if I should...but I'm certainly not. And I think I'm great with that. :)

But back to what I'm learning this week...my prayer for Erin this week comes from Proverbs 31:25. It says,

"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come."

This is a description of a wife of "noble character" from Proverbs 31:10-31. A few months ago, this verse stuck out to me differently than it had before, and it's been written on a card and taped to my mirror ever since. 
One thing that amazes me about God's word is that the more you read the same verse, and meditate on the truth it communicates, the more it changes you. 

I don't know exactly what it means that she laughs at the days to come. But I think I know what the opposite looks like: FEAR. ANXIETY. WORRY. Recently, I have struggled with anxiety about the future, about things that are completely outside of my control. This anxiety can bring me to tears because I somehow convince myself that what I am afraid will happen, will actually happen. 
God is clear that He does not want me to live a life afraid of the future. Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 118:6-7, Joshua 1:9, Philippians 4:6-8, 1 Peter 5:7, Isaiah 6:3, Romans 8:6 are just a few of the verses that remind me of this. 

The truth is, I don't know what will happen in the future - from one minute from now to 100 years from now. But I do know that if I am focused on what I am afraid of, I will miss what the Lord has for me right now. I will miss the relationships with friends and neighbors. I will miss the sweetness of watching my baby learn new things every day (because she is BRILLIANT). I will miss the pleasure of a good night's sleep so that my body is refreshed for the next day. I will miss the joy of seeing our daughter get so excited to see our faces in the morning that she wiggles around in her crib like a little puppy who's about to get some good food. I will miss the joy of serving and loving my husband every day.

So my prayer for Erin this week is that she will be a woman who isn't hindered by anxiety and worry, but that she will trust God. I pray that she will be a woman who laughs at the days to come.